Women In Tech May 2021
Unfortunately we’ve had to postpone Kia’s talk due to illness. We hope she feels better soon and we'll see her at WiT in the future. Instead of the planned talk, we’ll be hosting discussions on money and finance with stories from the community followed by a fun quiz and games.
Tonight's event is remote via Zoom, you can join using this link: http://nott.tech/wit-may-2021-zoom
Meeting ID: 894 4667 0262
Passcode: WiTFin21!
This month we welcome the fantastic Kia Commodore to speak at Women in Tech Nottingham
Plus we'll be having fun, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes.
Join us on Zoom, no need to sign up! Join link will be published here on the night.
New to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here.
The Gender Finance Gap
by Kia Commodore
We’ve all heard that on average women and minorities get paid less but how does that affect our overall financial stability? The media speaks to men as high earners and financiers but women are cast as shopaholics and financially illiterate, no wonder men are more comfortable investing their money and saving for the future. Join Kia to find out what can we do to make money genderless and help everyone take control of their financial lives no matter where they are in life.
Kia Commodore
About Kia
Kia founded and runs the highly successful podcast Pennies Pounds - a financial literacy platform created to empower people by enabling them to shape their future with complete knowledge. When Kia’s not podcasting, she’s filming for her youtube channel or writing her new column in OK! magazine.
Kia’s used to work in the tech sector but her passion for finance led her in a different direction and now she’s helping people all over the world understand their finances.
Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!
We love giving away cool stuff! Find out how to win - details coming soon.
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The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group, which is a bustling, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you there!