Tech Nottingham July 2021
This month we welcome the wonderful Sophie Weston to Tech Nottingham.
Plus we'll be having fun, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes.
Join us on zoom:
Meeting ID: 897 4803 3842
Passcode: TNJul21!
New to Online Tech Nottingham? Read about what to expect.
Blameless Post-Mortems (and why the 'blameless' bit really matters)
Many of us are familiar with the practice of conducting blameless post-mortems after production outages but are we really making the most of these opportunities to learn, or has it just become something we do out of habit?
In this talk, Sophie will look again at the reasons for holding post-mortems, explore some best practices and what goes into making a successful post-mortem, and explain why the blameless bit really matters.
About Sophie
Sophie Weston (and Mamite)
Sophie has spent over twenty five years working in technology as a software engineer and DevOps advocate. Also active in the wider tech community, she is an Ambassador for Women in Tech York and a co-organiser of the DevOpsDays London conference.
Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!
We’ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event.
Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online
The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas, jokes, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!