Women In Tech September 2021
This month we welcome the incredible Louisa Holman to speak at Women in Tech Nottingham.
Plus we'll be having fun, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes.
Tonight's event is remote via Zoom, you can join using this link: https://nott.tech/wit-sep-2021-zoom
Meeting ID: 813 8973 5396
Passcode: WiTSept21!
New to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here.
Redefining bravery: facing your fears at work
Content warning: This talk discusses cancer
Whether we want to admit it or not, a lot of things can happen that scare us. But it was Louisa's breast cancer diagnosis during the pandemic that made her feel fear on a scale she had never before comprehended. In this talk, Louisa will talk about her cancer diagnosis at the age of 34 and examine the role fear plays in our lives and especially our careers. Living with fear can be horrible, but it can be useful. Knowing when to listen and when to tell fear to shut up is a super power.
Louisa Holman
About Louisa
Louisa has been many things in her life although by day, she has been a senior internet marketing at Nottingham Digital Marketing Agency, Adtrak for six years. More recently, she has become a breast cancer patient with much to say on the topic of issues facing younger cancer patients and returning to the workplace to reclaim her career and her life.
Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!
We love giving away cool stuff! Find out how to win during the event.
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The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group, which is a bustling, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you there!