Women in Tech
Women In Tech October 2019
This month we are really excited to welcome Kristina Adams to speak at Women in Tech!
As always, there'll be free drinks and food for all thanks to our fantastic sponsors Capital One, Commify, JH and MHR!
Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets required. Just turn up - it's entirely free!
How to be productive (even when your health is working against you)
Kristina Adams
There are times in life when we either don’t want to be productive or we can’t be. In this talk, we’ll explore ways to be productive even if your health - mental or physical - is working against you.
About Kristina
Kristina Adams is the author of eight books and a blogger at The Writer’s Cookbook. She also works as a content marketer at Cronofy, the calendar API.
Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!
We love giving away cool stuff! This month we’re giving away a copy of Kristina’s book and a Pluralsight subscription.
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The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group, which is a bustling, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you there!