Women in Tech
Women In Tech November 2019
This month we are really excited to welcome Carolina Gilabert to speak at Women in Tech!
As always, there'll be free drinks and food for all thanks to our fantastic sponsors Capital One, Commify, JH and MHR!
Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets required. Just turn up - it's entirely free!
C̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ Test yourself before you wreck yourself
Carolina Gilabert
Testing is something we all want to do well (and so do our employers). But when you're starting up, it can be a bit daunting and hard to know where to start.In this talk I'll outline a testing strategy for a React based web application, using Jest and Cypress.
About Carol
Carol is a software engineer at Capital One, and co-organiser of Tech Nottingham and NottsJS. She is passionate about empathy and DevOps, and loves learning new things.
When not buying pink things, Carol can be found doing cartwheels in a nearby Capoeira roda.
Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!
We love giving away cool stuff! Details of November’s prizes coming soon.
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The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group, which is a bustling, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you there!