We have a great talk for you this month from Jess Rose, and a Lean Coffee session*. Plus we've got free food and drinks provided at the event thanks to our awesome sponsors.
Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets required. Just turn up - it's free!
* We were due to have a second talk but sadly this has been cancelled due to the speaker being ill
Tech Communities as Fandoms
by Jess Rose
How is Django like Doctor Who? They’re both projects supported by an incredibly motivated community. This talk will look at the ways in which open source communities parallel fandoms as they form, grow, break off into factions and interact with their supporters and critics. As we learn more about our own communities by looking at our equally-obsessed geeky peers we’ll hopefully discover ways that we can help make our communities (and maybe even fandoms!) more equitable, accessible and open.
Jess Rose
About Jess
Jessica Rose is a technologist obsessed with fostering more equal access to technical education and meaningful work in our industry. She's a technical manager at FutureLearn, founded the Open Code meetup series, co-founded Trans*Code and hosts the Pursuit Podcast.
Lean Coffee
Lean Coffee is a structured but agenda-free discussion session - it's a great way to share ideas, meet others and learn from one another. Anyone in the audience can put forward ideas for things they would like to discuss - it could be problems they are thinking about, struggling with at work or ideas they'd like to share and get feedback on. Once we have a few ideas on the board, the audience votes on those discussion topics. We form groups around the top voted topics and get into discussions.
Win stuff at Tech Nottingham!
This month at Tech Nottingham we'll be giving away a copy of Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. It's Bob Martin's definitive guide to becoming a better coder. A must have on any developer's bookshelf!
Attend and tweet on the #TechNott hashtag to be in with a chance!
Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online
The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas, jokes, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!