Unfortunately our previous speaker, Portia Tung has had to cancel.
Not to worry we still have a fun and engaging evening planned for you. This month we're discussing how to talk about APIs and technical products, followed by an agile retrospective - if you've not done a retrospective before this is your chance to try it out! Plus we've got free food and drinks provided at the event thanks to our sponsors.
No tickets required, just turn up - it's free!
How to talk about APIs and Technical Products
Andrew Seward
by Andrew Seward
Ever tried to explain to what you do to your parents?
You're going to have to do it - you need to talk about your APIs and technical products with people who have no idea what they are.
You'll need to talk to your non-technical colleagues about it, many of whom you're entirely dependent upon to improve your product or get it out to the masses; there'll be potential customers out there for whom your product is the exact solution to the problem they're having and there's the people you meet who ask you what it is you do.
In this talk we'll discuss how overcome this huge challenge for all of us in tech industry, how to establish not just a clear ubiquitous language when talking about our APIs and technical products but clarity and consistency of content - making sure your developers, salespeople, support and marketing are all talking about your APIs in a way that is accessible, meaningful and useful to all concerned, and how that consistency of understanding can be the difference between the success or failure of your API.
This talk was recently delivered at APIStrat Boston 2016.
About Andrew
Andrew Seward (@MrAndrew) is Head of Product at Cronofy and organiser of Tech Nottingham and Hack24. He's been working in software in various capacities for 12 years and these days he tends to product manage APIs. He also runs, cycles and keeps bees.
An Agile Retrospective
The retrospective is one of the most important elements of any Agile development process, it is a mechanism for celebrating successes, acknowledging failures and then improving and optimising.
We will demonstrate the power of the retrospective by running a retro session on Tech Nottingham as an event.
As an outcome we'll all get to experience and participate in the retrospective session and we'll all get to work together to make Tech Nottingham a better event.