This month we explore the evil side of computer vision - plus we've got free food and drinks provided at the event thanks to our sponsors.
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Rise of the Machines - Fun and Games with Face Recognition
(AKA How to Make Your Own Evilomatic)
by Nick Walker
Nick Walker
"This should be a fun, messing-around-with-tech kind of a talk. Earlier this year at a analytics conference I demoed a device I nicknamed the Evilomatic, using a Raspberry Pi to detect faces then send the results to Google analytics in real time. This talk is about face recognition, a bit of machine learning, the OpenCV library and a step by step how to make your own face recognition device and get it doing something useful.
Then, if you have a laptop you can have a go yourself. The second part will be a fun session with not too much coding, just a bit of Python to paste and mess around with. We'll be trying to teach it to recognise new objects or faces and pinging our phones when it recognises something interesting."
About Nick
Nick is a self employed polyglot developer and ecommerce guy with a background in electronics and a 25 year fascination of neural networks.
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