This month we draw on the technical expertise that's right on our doorstep.
As always, free food and drinks will be provided at the event thanks to our sponsors.
No tickets required, just turn up - it's free!
Continuous Delivery as a Service
by Dave Wood
How confident are you in your code? Do you get nervous when you demo it to colleagues? How many late nights have you spent tracking down bugs discovered after your code was released?
Dave Wood
Continuous Delivery helps you stay on top of live issues by providing you with instant critical feedback, notifying you as soon as possible about any problems. You'll save time and be able to concentrate on delivering features, not fixing bugs. In this talk, you will learn about how and why you should be continuously integrating your code, and how you can get started today using one of the many CI services available.
Bring a laptop along with you if you can (but don't worry if you can't).
About Dave
Dave Wood (@codesleuth) is passionate about code quality and architecture. He's an API developer at Esendex and loves to focus on the programmability and integration of software. Although he writes C# by day, he's quite unhealthily obsessed with Node.js. And Arnold Schwarzenegger.
With support from
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